Celebrating 100 Days in Office
April 16, 2021
Dear Friend,
It’s hard to believe, but today marks a very important milestone. It has now been 100 days since I was sworn into office to serve as your State Representative.
I have worked hard each and every day to represent the 5th Barnstable District with integrity and to deliver results you can be proud of. I’ve worked hard to communicate with you and listen whenever you have a question or concern. I’ve had the honor of participating in some of the initial legislative sessions held this year. And, I have been doing my best to advocate for you and make sure that everything Beacon Hill decides will be in the best interests of Cape Cod.
I am proud of what we have accomplished so far, and I wanted to share some of these accomplishments with you as one of my best supporters. Please click here to see a checklist of some of our most notable successes to-date. Many of these are consistent with goals outlined in a Legislative Agenda for this session which I released earlier this year (in case you missed it, please click here to read a copy).
Of course, the work is far from done. Our Commonwealth still has much to do to mitigate the public health and economic effects of the pandemic. We still face important challenges to our public safety. Veterans and seniors still need our support, as do our kids in school. Our environment remains fragile, and our public infrastructure remains in need of repair and improvement. We must remain vigilant with regard to those who wish to impose new taxes and fees on Massachusetts residents, and those who would seek to undermine public confidence in state government.
I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished together so far, but I’m not letting up. We’re just getting started. Our mission continues, and it’s a mission I am proud and excited to pursue.
Thank you, as always, for your generous support of everything that I do. I can’t tell you how much I value your trust, confidence, and constant encouragement.
Thank you.