
Former Governor Charlie Baker Endorses Steve Xiarhos for State Representative

October 5, 2024

Steve Xiarhos announced today the endorsement of former Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker in his bid for re-election in the 5th Barnstable District.

In a written statement, Baker said:

“Steve Xiarhos embodies everything right and honorable about public service. I had the pleasure of working with Steve in the Legislature during my time as Governor, and I appreciated the energy, enthusiasm, and pride he brought to serving his constituents. His unwavering support for veterans and first responders stands out, as does his ability to work across party lines. Steve’s successful passage of Nero’s Bill as a freshman legislator was a testament to his dedication and spirit—he’s not your typical politician. He’s someone special.

Steve is working hard to make Cape Cod a better, safer, and more affordable place to live, work, and raise a family. The people of the 5th Barnstable District should be proud to have Steve as their State Representative. He serves with integrity, accountability, and a relentless work ethic. I am pleased to endorse Steve Xiarhos for re-election this November.”

Charlie Baker served as the 72nd Governor of Massachusetts from 2015 to 2023. He previously held cabinet positions in two prior administrations and spent ten years as the CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. Recognized as one of America’s most popular governors, Baker was known for his practical, bipartisan approach to state government.

Steve Xiarhos has served as State Representative for the 5th Barnstable District since 2021. The district includes the Town of Sandwich and portions of Barnstable (Precincts 10, 11, and 12) and Bourne (Precincts 1, 2, 3, 5A, and 7).

More information about Steve Xiarhos can be found here.


Xiarhos Receives Backing of Three Members of Sandwich Select Board

September 26, 2024

SANDWICH – Steve Xiarhos is pleased to announce that his candidacy for re-election has been endorsed by three members of the Select Board in the town of Sandwich.

Charles M. Holden, Robert J. George, and Michael J. Miller separately announced their endorsements this week for Xiarhos to serve another two-year term as State Representative for Sandwich. Holden currently serves as Chair of the Sandwich Select Board. George serves as the Board’s Vice Chair, and Miller is a member of the Board.

Former Select Board member David Sampson, who currently serves as Chair of Xiarhos’ re-election committee, said of the endorsements, “The endorsement of a majority of the members of the Select Board in the largest community he represents is quite an impressive statement. As the incumbent, it shows Rep. Xiarhos is a very effective legislator who works closely with local officials and has proven himself capable of delivering vital resources back to the 5th Barnstable District. Whether it’s helping to address regional wastewater issues, helping to secure funding for the Boardwalk, or getting resources for local transportation improvements, Steve has always been there for Sandwich whenever we need him. He always acts with the best interests of Sandwich residents in mind. There is no question in my mind that Steve is the best candidate to continue representing the people of Sandwich on Beacon Hill.”

These endorsements are the latest in a series of recent endorsements announced by the Xiarhos campaign. Other noteworthy recent endorsements include:

• Former Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito
• MA & Northern New England Laborers’ District Council (LIUNA)
• The Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts
• The State Police Association of Massachusetts PAC
• Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association
• Massachusetts Coalition of Police
• The New England Police Benevolent Association
• Plymouth County Sheriff Joseph McDonald
• Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
• The Sandwich Police Association
• Joint Base Cape Cod Fire Fighters Local S-28
• The Bourne Republican Town Committee
• The Sandwich Republican Town Committee

Xiarhos says his campaign will continue to announce additional endorsements in coming weeks.

Steve Xiarhos has served as State Representative for the 5th Barnstable District on Cape Cod since 2021. The district currently includes the Town of Sandwich and portions of the Towns of Barnstable (Precincts 10, 11, and 12) and Bourne (Precincts 1, 2, 3, 5A, and 7). More information about Steve Xiarhos and his candidacy is available online at www.XiarhosForRep.com.

(This press release is not intended to express or imply an endorsement of Steve Xiarhos by the Town of Sandwich or the Sandwich Select Board as a body politic.)


Learn More About Steve!

Awards and Recognitions

  • Boston Fire Department Local 718 “Friend of the Firefighter” Award (2024)
  • Veterans of Foreign Wars (MA) Legislator of the Year (2024)
  • American Legion of Massachusetts Legislator of the Year (2024)
  • Massachusetts Corrections Officers Federated Union Legislator of the Year (2024)
  • Cape Cod Community College Distinguished Alumni Award (2024)
  • CONNECT Southeastern Massachusetts Colleges Legislator of the Year (2024)
  • Cape Cod Times Citizen of the Year (2023)
  • Sandwich Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year (2023)
  • American Kennel Club Legislator of the Year (2022)
  • International Association of Canine Professionals K9 Nero Law Award (2022)
  • New England Police Benevolent Association Legislator of the Year (2022)
  • Massachusetts Military Support Foundation Citizen of the Year (2022)

Recent Endorsements

Karyn Polito Endorses Steve Xiarhos for State Representative

September 6, 2024

SANDWICH – Former Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito has officially endorsed Steve Xiarhos for State Representative in the 5th Barnstable District.

Polito announced her endorsement as the special guest at a packed campaign event for Xiarhos at Tomatoes Restaurant in Sandwich on Thursday night.

“I am confident that Steve is the right choice to keep delivering results for the people of Sandwich, Bourne, and Barnstable. I proudly endorse Steve Xiarhos for State Representative in the 5th Barnstable District,” Polito said.

In announcing her endorsement, the former Lieutenant Governor praised Xiarhos for his ability to work in a bipartisan manner to get important projects done for the people of the 5th Barnstable District. “As Lieutenant Governor, I had the privilege of collaborating with Steve Xiarhos on initiatives to make Cape Cod a better place to live, work, and raise a family,” Polito said. She continued, “Together, we addressed many local issues where Steve played a key role in bridging the gap between state and local officials, ensuring critical projects moved forward. He was a trusted partner in our administration, and I greatly appreciated having him in the Legislature. For example, during his first term as a Representative, Steve successfully worked across party lines and united legislators to pass Nero’s law—a remarkable and rare accomplishment in today’s political landscape. It speaks volumes about Steve’s character and leadership.”

Polito also praised Xiarhos for his work on behalf of public safety and veterans issues. “I’ve also known Steve for years through his advocacy for veterans as a Gold Star father and his distinguished law enforcement career,” Polito said. “I am continually impressed by his genuine compassion for everyone he encounters and the unwavering energy he brings to every task he undertakes.”

Xiarhos thanked Polito for her endorsement, saying, “Karyn Polito was a terrific Lieutenant Governor for our state for many years, and it was my honor to have been able to work with her. She was always there for our district whenever we needed her, ready to serve as a trusted partner and a resource for us with anything we asked the state to provide. I am honored and humbled by her endorsement of my candidacy and I very much appreciate her kind words of support.”

Polito’s endorsement is the latest in a series of recent endorsements announced by the Xiarhos campaign. Noteworthy recent endorsements include:

  • Former Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito
  • MA & Northern New England Laborers’ District Council (LIUNA)
  • The Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts
  • The State Police Association of Massachusetts PAC
  • Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association
  • Massachusetts Coalition of Police
  • The New England Police Benevolent Association
  • Plymouth County Sheriff Joseph McDonald
  • Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
  • The Sandwich Police Association
  • Joint Base Cape Cod Fire Fighters Local S-28
  • The Bourne Republican Town Committee
  • The Sandwich Republican Town Committee

Xiarhos says his campaign has received and plans to continue announcing several additional endorsements in coming weeks.

Steve Xiarhos has served as State Representative for the 5th Barnstable District on Cape Cod since 2021. The district currently includes the Town of Sandwich and portions of the Towns of Barnstable (Precincts 10, 11, and 12) and Bourne (Precincts 1, 2, 3, 5A, and 7). More information about Steve Xiarhos and his candidacy is available online at www.XiarhosForRep.com.


MA & Northern New England Laborers’ District Council Endorses Steve Xiarhos for State Rep.

August 29, 2024

BARNSTABLE, Mass. – Steve Xiarhos has officially received the endorsement of The Massachusetts and Northern New England Laborers’ District Council (a constituent body of the New England Region of the Laborers International Union of North America, “LIUNA”), in his campaign for re-election as State Representative in the 5th Barnstable District.

According to a statement by Joseph Bonfiglio, LIUNA District Council Business Manager, “Rep. Xiarhos is well-acquainted with the challenges faced by working families and tirelessly fights to improve their lives. We know that he doesn’t let up when it comes to advocating for workers and we appreciate partnering with him on Beacon Hill and in his District to deliver for LIUNA members and our communities.”

The Massachusetts and Northern New England Laborers’ District Council is one of seven District Councils making up the New England Region of the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA). The District Council’s 30 affiliated local unions are proud to serve and represent over 20,000 hard working men and women across the Northeast. Members of the Council’s affiliated construction unions build the homes, offices, roads, bridges, tunnels, highways and energy infrastructure that Massachusetts depends on. Meanwhile, members of affiliated public sector unions keep municipal governments, housing authorities, hospitals, schools, and cafeterias running year-round.

“It is my distinct honor to be endorsed by the Massachusetts and Northern New England Laborers’ District Council in my campaign for re-election as State Representative,” Steve Xiarhos said. “As a former police officer I myself was a member of a labor union for many years. I respect the importance of organized labor for making sure working men and women earn decent wages so they can support their families, that they have adequate insurance and other benefits to protect them, and that there are sufficient safety measures in-place to keep them safe and secure on the job. I stand together with working men and women here on Cape Cod and it’s my honor to support them on Beacon Hill as their State Representative.”

The endorsement is the latest in a series of recent endorsements announced by the Xiarhos campaign. Noteworthy recent endorsements include:

  • MA & Northern New England Laborers’ District Council (LIUNA)
  • The Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts
  • The State Police Association of Massachusetts PAC
  • Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association
  • Massachusetts Coalition of Police
  • The New England Police Benevolent Association
  • Plymouth County Sheriff Joseph McDonald
  • Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
  • The Sandwich Police Association
  • Joint Base Cape Cod Fire Fighters Local S-28
  • The Bourne Republican Town Committee
  • The Sandwich Republican Town Committee

Xiarhos says his campaign has received and plans to continue announcing several additional endorsements in coming weeks.

Steve Xiarhos has served as State Representative for the 5th Barnstable District on Cape Cod since 2021. The district currently includes the Town of Sandwich and portions of the Towns of Barnstable (Precincts 10, 11, and 12) and Bourne (Precincts 1, 2, 3, 5A, and 7). More information about Steve Xiarhos and his candidacy is available online at www.XiarhosForRep.com.


Rep. Xiarhos maintains perfect voting record in 2023-24 session

Was recorded on all 199 votes taken by the House of Representatives

August 12, 2024

BOSTON – State Representative Steven Xiarhos (R-Barnstable) maintained a perfect voting record during the 2023-2024 legislative session, participating in all 199 roll call votes recorded in the House of Representatives between February 1, 2023, and August 1, 2024.

Representative Xiarhos compiled a 100% attendance record over the last two years, casting votes on several major policy initiatives including health care reform, veterans’ benefits, housing affordability, tax relief, data privacy protections, Second Amendment rights, prescription access, anti-stalking protections, and animal welfare. He has also consistently advocated for reforms to the state’s emergency assistance family shelter system, filing his own legislation to address the shelter program and mitigate the strain on municipal finances directly while also urging the state and Healey-Driscoll Administration to take steps to stem the flow of migrants and to provide homeless Massachusetts residents and veterans with priority placement status.

With the annual cost of maintaining the emergency shelter system projected at more than $1 billion a year in current and future fiscal years, Representative Xiarhos supported multiple amendments this session to implement much-needed changes to the program. One such amendment, offered by House Republican Leadership and included in a Fiscal Year 2024 supplemental budget signed on April 30, requires any funds expended for providing food through the state’s emergency housing assistance program to be subject to a competitive bidding process. The amendment was filed in response to news reports that the state had signed several large no-bid contracts, including a $10 million, eight-month deal with Spinelli’s of East Boston to deliver meals to more than 30 shelter sites.

To help ensure that long-term residents do not lose out on housing assistance to individuals who have newly arrived from out of state, Representative Xiarhos voted on three separate occasions for amendments offered by Second Assistant Minority Leader Paul Frost (R-Auburn) limiting future emergency housing services to individuals who have been residents of the Commonwealth for at least one year, six months, or three months, respectively, and can provide documented proof of residency. These amendments, which were not adopted, included language providing an exemption for victims of domestic violence or individuals whose living situation has been affected by a fire or other natural disaster that occurred in Massachusetts.

During the Fiscal Year 2025 House budget debate in April, Representative Xiarhos supported a House Republican Leadership amendment to prioritize emergency shelter assistance placement eligibility for honorably discharged homeless veterans. While the amendment was rejected, new guidelines for the emergency shelter assistance program, issued on July 23 by Governor Maura Healey and effective on August 1, include a requirement that families with at least one member who is a veteran receive priority placement in shelters In addition to voting against supplemental funding for the emergency assistance family shelter program due to the lack of reforms to rein in costs, Representative Xiarhos also opposed an overreaching gun reform bill that threatened the Second Amendment rights of the state’s lawful gun owners. Noting that Massachusetts already has some of the strongest gun laws in the country and the second-lowest gun violence rate in the nation, he believes the bill will negatively impact licensed gun owners and will do nothing to reduce crime in Massachusetts.

Representative Xiarhos also supported a comprehensive tax relief package included as part of a 2023 economic development bill that is expected to provide taxpayers with an estimated $1.02 billion in savings once the changes are fully implemented in 2026. Highlights of the tax relief package include provisions to:

  • Double the Senior Circuit Breaker tax credit from $1,200 to $2,400, indexed to inflation, to assist nearly 100,000 seniors with their housing costs;
  • Eliminate the estate tax for all estates valued under $2 million and allow for a uniform credit of $99,600, effective January 1, 2023;
  • Combine the child and dependent tax credits into one while eliminating the existing cap and increasing the credit from $180 to $310 in FY23 and to $440 in FY24, which will benefit over 565,000 families;
  • Increase the rental deduction cap from $3,000 to $4,000, which will assist approximately 800,000 renters;
  • Raise the Earned Income Tax Credit from 30% to 40% of the federal credit, which will benefit approximately 400,000 taxpayers earning less than $60,000;
  • Allow municipalities to provide up to $2,000 in property tax reductions for older residents participating in the senior work-off program, which is currently capped at $1,500; and,
  • Reduce the tax on short-term capital gains from 12% to 8.5%.

Other key roll calls taken by Representative Xiarhos this session include votes to support:

  • Legislation authorizing $5.16 billion in bond authorizations and tax credits to spur housing production in Massachusetts, while implementing sweeping policy initiatives to facilitate the development of affordable housing and preserve public housing in Massachusetts (the “Affordable Homes Act”);
  • Legislation expanding benefits for the Commonwealth’s veterans and service members, including access to behavioral health treatment and providing local-option property tax exemptions for service members (the “HERO Act”);
  • Legislation criminalizing “revenge porn” to address the unauthorized distribution of sexually explicit images or videos via text messaging and online postings, expanding the definition of abuse to include coercive control, and assisting survivors by extending the statute of limitations for certain domestic violence offenses;
  • Salary transparency legislation to help address the gender and racial wage gap by requiring most employers to disclose the salary range for open positions on job postings;
  • Comprehensive hospital oversight legislation, filed in response to the crisis at Steward Health Care, that would change how regulators monitor and contain costs, strengthen financial data reporting requirements, and require notice to patients before the discontinuation of essential health services;
  • A long-term care oversight bill that would provide enhanced protections for patients as well as expanded training provisions for the industry’s workforce to help address persistent staffing shortages at nursing homes and other long-term care facilities;
  • Legislation to protect the privacy of patients accessing reproductive and other health care services, including those who utilize the state’s crisis pregnancy centers that provide abortion counseling, by prohibiting cell phone carriers and data providers from sharing or selling the individual’s location information;
  • Legislation to expand access to non-hospital childbirth options for expectant parents in Massachusetts and establish a formal licensing process for certified professional midwives and lactation consultants;
  • A pharmacy access bill limiting out of pocket prescription costs for consumers and establishing a licensing process for pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs);
  • Legislation establishing a licensing process for alcohol and drug counselors and recovery coaches through the Department of Public Health (DPH) and requiring health insurers to offer policies covering prescribed opioid antagonists;
  • Legislation to protect Massachusetts homeowners facing foreclosure due to a municipal tax lien on their property from becoming victims of home equity theft; and,
  • A series of animal welfare bills designed to ensure the safety of dogs placed in kennels, prohibit the use of exotic animals in traveling acts, and prevent the intentional misrepresentation of service animals.

Representative Xiarhos represents the 5th Barnstable District. He currently serves on the Joint Committee on Ways and Means, the Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, the Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs, and the Joint Committee on Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Recovery.


THANK YOU NERO’S LAWOn this Thank You and Throwback Thursday, I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who stood with me in the fight for Nero’s Law. Together, we have made history, ensuring that K9s like Nero, along with hundreds of others who serve and protect our Commonwealth, are now guaranteed the life-saving care they deserve. Thanks to our collective dedication, Nero’s Law is officially the law of the Commonwealth, and I am proud to stand alongside the Gannon family as we worked to expand this legislation to be the law of the land in Rhode Island and New Hampshire, with Connecticut following soon.This achievement would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of advocates, first responders, and supporters. You have honored the unbreakable bond between our K9 heroes and the men and women who serve with them.Thank you for believing in this cause, for pushing forward, and for making our communities safer and stronger. Together, we will continue to protect those who protect us. God bless Nero, and all the devoted K9’s serving and protecting us all over the Commonwealth. 🇺🇸💙🐕🙏🏻#RepX #Fightin5th #ThankfulThursday #ThrowbackThursday#NerosLaw #ThankYouThursday #PublicSafety #Gratitude #Gannon #Nero #K9Kitt #K9Frankie #ForSean thankful_thursdayCape & Islands Police K-9 Relief FundK9 PTSD CenterRehoboth K9 EdoWebster Police K9 UnitBarnstable Police K9 FoundationYarmouth Police Dept. ... See MoreSee Less
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HEARTBREAKINGAs darkness falls, my heart breaks for the Hubbard Family after the unimaginable tragedy they have experienced. On October 13th, while on vacation in Clinton, New York, a devastating fire broke out in their rental home. Shannon Hubbard—who was a beloved teacher in Chatham—and their one-year-old daughter Maggie tragically lost their lives in the fire. Patrolman John Hubbard and their three-year-old son Jack survived, but the pain this family is enduring is beyond words.Chatham Elementary School Principal Jennifer Kelly said the school community was reeling from the news. Mrs. Hubbard was an “incredible teacher who exuded warmth and acceptance,” Kelly wrote in an email. In her short time at CES, Mrs. Hubbard “immediately made an impact on students and staff with her kind words and positive actions… Our hearts are with Mrs. Hubbard’s loved ones and all those who were lucky enough to know her.”Dennis Police Chief John Brady shared, “The men and women of the Dennis Police Department are mourning this heartbreaking news. Patrolman Hubbard is a valued member of our department and community, and more importantly our friend. We extend our deepest sympathies to him and his family.”Let’s come together as a community to support Patrolman Hubbard and his son Jack as they navigate this overwhelming loss. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.Here is a link if able to helphttps://thegreghillfoundation.org/donations/hubbard/…May Shannon and Maggie rest in peace.💔😞#HubbardFamily #CapeCodCommunity #Support #DennisPoliceDepartment #ChathamElementarySchool #MaPoliDennis Police DepartmentChatham Elementary School ... See MoreSee Less
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October 16th

State Representative Steve Xiarhos
OVERNIGHT ROAD CONSTRUCTION WORK ON QUAKER MEETINGHOUSE BRIDGE IN SANDWICH—TONIGHT!Overnight Shielding Installation on Quaker Meetinghouse Road over Route 6On-ramp closures scheduled for Wednesday, October 16, and Sunday, October 20, from 9:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m.SANDWICH – The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is announcing overnight shielding installation work on Quaker Meetinghouse Road over Route 6 in Sandwich, affecting both eastbound and westbound directions.Work schedule: • Wednesday, October 16: Shielding installation over Route 6 westbound, 9:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. • Sunday, October 20: Shielding installation over Route 6 eastbound, 9:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m.Detours and closures: • Route 6 westbound on-ramp closure (Wednesday, October 16): • Continue to the Route 6 eastbound on-ramp. • Take exit 63 toward Chase Road. • Turn left onto Chase Road. • Turn right onto the ramp for Route 6 westbound. • Route 6 eastbound on-ramp closure (Sunday, October 20): • Continue to the Route 6 westbound on-ramp. • Take exit 59 toward Route 130/Water Street. • Turn right onto Route 130/Water Street. • Turn right onto the ramp for Route 6 eastbound.Appropriate signage and messaging will be in place to guide drivers through the work zone. Drivers traveling through the affected areas should expect delays, reduce speed, and exercise caution.All work is weather-dependent and subject to change without notice.For more information on traffic conditions, travelers are encouraged to: • Dial 511 and select a route to hear real-time conditions. • Visit www.mass511.com for real-time traffic and incident information, and subscribe to alerts. • Follow @MassDOT on X (formerly Twitter) for updates on road and traffic conditions.🇺🇸🚧🚗🚙💨#RepX #Fightin 5th #TrafficAlertMassDOTTown of Sandwich, MA ... See MoreSee Less
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RE-ELECT REP X!Campaign Signs and Materials A huge thank you to Dominic and his incredible team at Heritage Print Solutions on Cotuit Road in Sandwich! Their hard work and dedication have made sure our campaign materials are top-notch, helping us continue the fight for our district.As we push forward to victory, I want to remind everyone in our great Fightin’ 5th District—Sandwich, Barnstable, and Bourne—that campaign signs are available at no cost. These signs are more than just symbols; they show our unity, our strength, and our commitment to the future of all 45,000 people living in our District. Let’s show our pride! By displaying a sign on your property, you’re helping spread the message and energize others to join this important fight. Together, we can and will make a difference. Let’s keep this momentum going all the way to victory on November 5th! 🇺🇸😊🪧👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻#RepX #Fightin5th #ServiceBeforeSelf #ReElectRepX #Sandwich #Bourne #Barnstable #ShopLocal #SmallBusinessBigDreamsHeritage Print Solutions ... See MoreSee Less
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October 16th

State Representative Steve Xiarhos
THANK YOU, MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL CEMETERY This morning, we held a beautiful ceremony honoring three fallen veterans and commemorating the tragic Marine Corps barracks bombing that occurred 41 years ago this month in Lebanon. On October 23, 1983, a suicide bomber drove a truck filled with explosives into the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 American service members, including 220 Marines. It remains one of the deadliest attacks on American forces overseas.Special thanks to the dedicated staff and workers at our Massachusetts National Cemetery for their unwavering support and care in honoring our heroes. Heartfelt thank you to the United States Army Honor Guard and the Massachusetts Patriot Guard Riders for proudly posting our National Colors and standing guard during the ceremony. Your dedication to honoring veterans and their families across the Commonwealth for nearly 20 years is deeply appreciated.We will never forget their sacrifice.🇺🇸🙏🏻🫡#RepX #Fightin5th #BootsOnTheGround #ProudAmericans #Service #Sacrifice #HonorAndRememberMassachusetts National CemeteryPatriot Guard Riders, Inc. ... See MoreSee Less
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