Title V Regulations
Throughout my time as State Representative I have been very concerned about the issue of wastewater management here on Cape Cod. This is a pressing issue for every town on the Cape, and for all of the residents who live and own property here. We need to make sure that our wastewater management systems function appropriately so as to preserve the environmental integrity of our land and national seashore. We also need to develop wastewater solutions that are practical and affordable at both the homeowner and the municipal/regional level. I continue to work hard to achieve these solutions on behalf of the towns I represent.
Earlier this year MassDEP proposed sweeping new regulations to deal with increased nitrogen levels in our water, some of which is attributable to nitrogen produced by wastewater. While I think this is an important environmental priority, I joined many residents in their concern that many property owners would need to install a new high-end septic system on their property — something which be very, very expensive to install and to maintain over time. With this in mind, I have been consistently pushing MassDEP for a more measured and workable approach to be achieved for the benefit of property owners and the environmental sanctity of the Cape alike. I also have tried to provide opportunities for my constituents to express their viewpoints about this issue to MassDEP via town meetings and seminars to help inform future state policy on the issue. As of now, towns in this area have until mid-2025 to file an intent to request a watershed permit, or some homeowners will be required to upgrade/replace their home’s wastewater treatment system by 2030.